Showing posts with label places. Show all posts
Showing posts with label places. Show all posts

08 May 2015

Spring time, in my town

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Different places in Cugir downtown...

26 October 2013

October day walking

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 In a Sunday beautiful morning, My husband and I, have a walking in my native small town. Just have a look to the colors and beautiful places I've found!

 Berries leaves...(natural ones)

Way to the Catholic Church


Catholic Church yard

Very old and preserved fir-tree

01 February 2013

Orb-pure energy

It had happened in Cugir, in 2012...
One summer day, in the morning, I had taken my camera, and started to have my usual daily walk.
When I had to go through a passing by way, was my first shot. I had no idea about what I will discover at home, when I posted  the photos. A huge orb, pure natural energy , was just hanging in the air. At the end of the passing way, it is a river, and a small bridge is just a few meters lower. The orb was staying above the river, about 6 meters higher. I couldn't see it. Only on my computer, when I analised the photos, I discovered the wonder.
Hope it is interesting subject!
Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

28 January 2013

Easter tradition(notice)

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
My resolution for 2013 is to show pictures of my home place and from Romania! I love my country, so, I really want sharing photos about it!
Hope you'll enjoy them and find out interesting new places!

It is a tradition from our ancestors, in my home town, Cugir, Romania, to gather to the Orthodox Church,on Easter, all the citizen who are 60 years old. They, men and women, had to prepare the Easter wine and bread for the community. It is also an opportunity to be together for a religious event and to wear old clothes, made of soft white blouse, sewed
by hand, black vests, and front and back sides of something like aprons, made of  black wool. 
Men have got thin white long shirts, tied on a leather belt. That belt is big enough to put inside money, like a wallet, and other useful things. On their feet, men and women wear "opinci", a pair of rubber shoes and wool , long socks. "Pastenii" , because this is their name, enjoy seeing each other and celebrate  Easter.
Every year it is the same tradition, but different people from the community!

07 January 2012

My life-Travellings

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Summer time in Michigan, USA


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