Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts

17 May 2016

Lady birds...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
Walking in my garden, I've seen two different colors ladybirds n a gooseberry bush...

24 March 2016

Spring time, again!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Some white violets, magnolia flowers, yellow plums,Yellow bushes, a bumble-bee on peach tree flowers a yellow daffodile,willow flowers and trees...
These flowers I've fund in a single spring day in my town...Pretty nice, isn't it?

25 February 2016


Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Snowdrops in my garden...

30 December 2015

A Happy New Year!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Now, when 2015 is almost finished, I wish you all my friends, A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

23 May 2015

White roses...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Summer is shyly come...Roses in my yard...

25 December 2014

Merry Christmas! A happy New YEAR!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Wish all my friends, MERRY CHRISTMAS and A Happy NEW YEAR!!!

20 November 2014

Fall plants and flowers...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Purple crisanteum and fall plants in the neighborhood.

28 April 2014

Strolling in the town...

Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!

 In a nice spring day, my husband and I, were walking...
Here is one of the two olive tree in our town...
About 20 years ago, there was a whole street of them, on one and another side of the road...
On the second photo, there is a half street alley. It's a pleasure watching the flowers and the trees...

30 March 2014

In my court-yard, flowers

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Flowers everywhere!
Plums and a lady-bird, peach flowers, bleeding-hearts, small berries tiny flowers and a lot of leaves around...

31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Quince... And, other stuff...

29 October 2013


Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 The last flowers in my garden, at least this year, are these gorgeous moms.I let you enjoy...

Have great days ahead!!!


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