Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
Lista tezaurelor descoperite în România
Tezaur funerar roman (Mormântul de la Neptun, judeţul Constanţa Descoperit în anul 1972, la 2 kilometri de Mangalia (anticul Callatis). Într-un sarcofag sigilat se afla scheletul unei nobile cu un bogat inventar, printre care obiecte din sticlă, lemn şi os, încălţăminte, oglinzi din bronz, resturile unui instrument muzical din lemn şi diadema de aur.
Muzeul de Istorie Constanţa .Tezaur funerar roman din Constanţa (anticul Tomis) Descoperit în 1986 în necropola tomitană. Conţine peste 60 de obiecte d podoabă de aur. Muzeul de Istorie Constanţa . Cercei elenistici de aur secolul al II-lea î. Hr. Descoperiţi la Mangalia, judeţul Constanţa . Se află la Muzeul de Istorie Constanţa . Tezaurul de la Galeşu,Poarta Albă, judeţul Constanţa . Descoperit în 1951, este compus din două manşoane din aur tronconice, probabil diademe. Datare – prima vârstă a fierului, anul 500 î.Hr. Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Crucea de aur – Histria, judeţul Constanţa Artă romano-bizantină, secolul al VI-lea d.Hr. Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti Cruce, comuna Jijia, judeţul Tulcea. Descoperită în 1950 în fosta cetate romano-bizantină Dinogetia, în straturile aparţinând secolului al X-lea d.Hr. Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti Inel din aur, descoperit în 1954 în cetatea Dinogetia împreună cu alte trei inele de aur. Artă bizantină din secolul al XI-lea d.Hr. Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti Tezaurul de la Pietroasa, Buzău , cunoscut şi sub numele ”Cloşca cu puii de aur”. A fost descoperit în 1837. Iniţial, depozitul a avut 22 de obiecte, dintre care autorităţile au recuperat doar 12, în greutate de circa 19 kilograme. Tezaurul este format din vase şi podoabe de lux lucrate în epoci diferite, dar apropiate. Au aparţinut, probabil, unei căpetenii ”barbare” de origine germanică din secolul al V-lea, respectiv Athanaric, regele vizigoţilor. Faimoasa comoară a avut parte, de l descoperire, de numeroase ”aventuri”, fiind descompletată, distrusă, recuperată, furată şi parţial distrusă în 1875, salvată de la incendiu în 1876, restaurată la Berlin, plecată la Moscova între 1917 – 1956. Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti Diadema princiară getică de la Buneşti, judeţul Vaslui. Descoperită în cetatea geto-dacă de aici în 1984. Bijuteria, fără echivalent în România, este, probabil, un obiect de import. Secolele IV-II î.Hr. Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Diadema hunică de la Gherăseni, judeţul Buzău . O altă diademă asemănătoare a fost descoperită şi la Buhăieni, judeţul Iaşi . Ambele sunt date în primul sfert al veacului al V-lea d.Hr. Muzeul Judeţan Buzau Tezaurul de la Brad, judeţul Bacău La Brad s-a descoperit în 1982 un important tezaur de obiecte din os, cupru, dar şi două mici discuri din aur. Discurile sunt cele mai vechi obiecte din aur, au fost făurite cu 7 mii de ani în urmă şi aparţin Culturii Cucuteni A. Muzeul din Roman Tezaurul de la Băiceni, comuna Cucuteni, judeţul Iaşi .A fost descoperit întâmplător în 1959. Artă traco-getică din secolul al IV-lea î.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti Tezaurul de la Stânceşti, judeţul Botoşani. Descoperit într-o aşezare getică în timpul unor excavaţii în 1960, este datat în secolul al V-lea î.Hr. Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti Tezaurul de la Rădeni, judeţul Neamţ. În 1966 s-au descoperit 3 ceşti cu toarte, din aur, unice pe teritoriul României. Secolul V î.Hr. Muzeul din Neamţ. Tezaurul de la Ţufalău, comuna Boroşneul Mare, judeţul Covasna. Descoperit în 1840, tezaurul era depus într-un vas de ceramică şi avea greutatea de 3 kilograme. Alcătuit din aproxiamtiv 300 de obiecte şi podoabe, a fost ulterior risipit sau pierdut, doar o mică parte fiind salvată. În mod deosebit se remarcă toporul din aur. Secolul al VIII-lea î.Hr. Se află la Muzeul de Istorie din Viena. Brăţara de la Pipea, comuna Nadeş, judeţul Mureş. A fost făurităm în secolul al V-lea î.Hr. Se află la Muzeul Naţional din Budapesta. Brăţara de aur de la Vlad, judeţul Braşov . Se află la Muzeul de Istorie din Viena. Încă două brăţări asemănătoare, găsite tot în Transilvania, se alfă la Muzeul Naţional din Budapesta. Coiful getic de aur de la Poiana-Coţofeneşti, judeţul Prahova in Descoperit întâmplător în 1928, este un coif de ceremonie de tip getic bogat decorat prin ciocănire. Secolul al IV-lea î.Hr. Se află la Muzeul Naţional de Istorie din Bucureşti. Cercel de aur, Buzău . Este artă romano-bizantină din secolele IV—V. Se află în colecţiile muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul fuenerar de la Hârşova, judeţul Tulcea. Descoperit în necropola romană de la Hârşova (anticul Carsium) în 1987. Cuprinde fibule şi aplice de aur ce aparţin unui ofiţer roman de rang înalt şi familiei sale – secolul al Iv-lea d.Hr. Se află în Muzeul de Istorie Constanţa . Pandativ – Gumelniţa, judeţul Călăraşi. Mileniul III î.Hr. Se află la Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de al Turnu Măgurele, judeţul Teleorman Este un ansamblu de piese descoperite în 1880. Secolul al V-lea. Se află la Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Perşinari, judeţul Dâmboviţa. Descoperit în 1954, cuprinde11 pumnale şi un fragmen de spadă de tip micenian. Epoca de mijloc a bronzului – secolul al XVI-lea î.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Diadema de nuntă de la Goranu judeţul Vâlcea,a fost descoperită în 1980. Este o piesă de import din vestul europei – secolul al XII-lea. Se află în colecţiile muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Podoabele de la Curtea de Argeş. În 1926 a fost descoperit, în interiorul bisericii Sf. Nicolae Domensc, un mormânt voievodat intact, nejefuit dealungul timpului. Atribuit lui Vladislav Vlaicu (voievod între 1364-1366), mormântul păstra părţi din veşmântul cu care fusese îngropat. Cel mai frumos obiect este paftaua de aur a centurii. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Şmig, comuna Aţel, judeţul Sibiu . Aparţine epocii bronzului (secolul al XV-lea î.Hr.). Unele piese sunt păstrate la muzeul din Cluj-Napoca , altele la Muzeul Naţional din Bucureşti şi o parte la Muzeul de istorie din Budapesta. Brăţară de aur descoperită într-un loc necunoscut din Transilvania. Epoca de muijloc a bronzului, aproxiamtiv secolul al XVI-lea. Se păstrează la Muzeul de Istorie din Cluj-Napoca Tezaurul de la Moigrad, judeţul Sălaj. Descoperit înainte de 1912, se compune din aptru piese, din care una este cel mai mare obiect neolitic din aur descoperit la noi în ţară . Această piesă este realizată prin ciocănire şi decupare din aur nativ. Priam jumătate a mileniului al IV-lea î.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Sărăcsău judeţul Satu Mare.Tezaur bogat din secolele X– VII î.Hr. este împrăştiat pe la mai multe muzee. Aici o piesă de la Muzeul de Istorie din Budapesta.Diademele de la Sărmăşag, judeţul Sălaj. Descoperite în 19000, sunt 4 diademe şi alte 3 mici artefacte. Epoca de mijloc a bronzului – secolul al XVI-lea î.Hr. Muzeul de Istorie Cluj-Napoca . Tezaurul din primul mormânt princiar de al Apahida, judeţul Cluj, zis al lui ”Omharus”. Descoperit în 1989. S-au găsit podoabe de veşmânt şi harnaşament ce au aparţinut probabil unui important persoanj de neam germanic-gepid. A doua jumătate a secolului al V-lea d.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Velţ, judeţul Sibiu . Descoperit în 1905, într-un mormânt. Obiectele au aparţinut, probabil, unei căpetenii germanice. Secolul al V-lea d.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Brăţările dacice de aur. Descoperite în zona Sarmisegetuza Regia (Grădişte Muncelului, judeţul Hunedoara) prin braconaj arheologic, în anii 200 – 2001, în doua locuri diferite şi comercializate ilegal. Statul româna a recuperat până în ianuarie 2008, 9 dinn cele 15 brăţări descoperite.Aparţin epocii dacice clasice, secolele I î.Hr. – I d.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Săcuieni, judeţul Bihor. Descoperit în 1927, cuprindea atunci 8 falere de aur, dintre care au ajuns la noi doar 3 şi jumătate. Secolul al X-lea î.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Grăniceni, judeţul Arad . Descoperit înainte de 1909, este compus din 3 falere mari din aur din secolul al VIII-lea î.Hr. Plăcuţele votive de la Geogiu-Băi, judeţul Hunedoara. Descoperite în 1986 în complexul termal antic, cele 8 plăcuţe sunt dedicate unor zeităţi protectoare şi tămăduitoare ale apelor. Secolele II-III d.Hr. Muzeul din Deva Tezaurul de la Pecica-Rovine, judeţul Arad .Descoperit în 1938 este compus din 48 de conuri din tablă de aur, găurite pentru a fi înşirate pe un şnur, şi o mică faleră – secolul al VII-lea î.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurele de kosoni – Grădiştea Muncelului, judeţul hunedoara. Între anii1992-2001 braconierii arheologici au jefuit mai multe tezaurede monedă de aur de tip koson, cunoscute doar pe teritoriul Transilvaniei, din zona munţilor Orăştiei. Imită denarii romani republicani emişi de Brutus, dar cu adaosul ”Koson”. Probabil că aceste monede au fost bătute de un suveran dac, dar în condiţii încă neelucidate. Secolul I î.Hr. Se găsesc în diverse muzee, colecţi particulare şi bănci. Tezaurul de la Ostrovul Mare, judeţul Mehedinţi. Descoperit în 1921, este forma din 33 de falere, 10 inele şi 3 brăţări. Epoca de mijloc a bronzului – secolul al XVI-lea. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Hinova, judeţul Mehedinţi. A fost descoperit în 1976, are o greutate de 5 kilograme şi e compus dintr-un număr mare de obiecte de podoabă. Secolu al VIII-lea î.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti.
Tezaurul al II-lea de la Apahida, judeţul Cluj.Descoperit în două etape, între 1968-1969, într-un mormânt al unei prinţese gepide. Conţine podoabe de veşmânt, aplice de harnaşament, veselă de sticlă decorată cu foi de aur. Secolul -V-d.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti Tezaurul de la Someşeni, judeţul Cluj. Descoperit în 1956-1957, este tezaurul funerar al unei prinţese gepide creştine. Bijuteriile erau produse în Imperiul Roman, special, probabil pentru a le oferi conducătorilor germanici. A doua jumătate a secolului al -V-lea d.Hr. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Inel de aur – Turda, judeţul Cluj. A fost descoperit în 1996 în mormântul unei prinţese gepide, în interiorul castrului roman Potaissa. Secolul V d.Hr. Muzeului de Istorie Turda. Lingou roman de aur –Feldioara, judeţul Braşov . A fost descoperit în 1880, are o greutate de 393,2 grame şi este datat între anii 379-380 d.Hr., după una din ştampile, ce reprezintă 3 împăraţi romani. Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti. Tezaurul de la Biia, judeţulAlba. Descoperită în 1845, este o cană ritualică şi o brăţară din secolul al VII-lea î.Hr. O piesă se aflăla Muzeului Naţional de Istorie Bucureşti, iar alta la Tezaurul de la Fitireaz, judeţul Arad . A fost descoperit în secolul al XIX-lea şi este format din 16 brăţări de aur cu capetele terminate în spirale. Secolul al VII-lea î.Hr.
Tezaurul d ela Sânnicolau Mare, judeţul Timiş Descoperit în 1799, este cel mai bogat tezaur descoperit pe teritoriul României. Format din 23 de vase, cântăreşte aproape 10 kilograme.. Studiile recente arată că vasele ar fi fost eralizate de atelierul unui meşter persan de tradiţie sassanidă, comandate fiind de nişte conducători protobulgari care stăpâneau asupra Banatului în veacul al X-lead.Hr. Obiecte se află la Muzeul din Viena. Tezaurele de la Şimleul Silvaniei, judeţul Sălaj. Tezarul 1, descoperit în 1797. Cuprinde un faimo colier cu pandative simbolice, 13 medalii romane transformate în medalioane şi alte obiecte. Se află la Muzeul din Viena. Tezaurul 2, descoperit în 1889, cuprinde 10 perechi de fibule de argint aurit, 3 vase de aur semisferice, 2 brăţări şi alte fragmente datate la începutul secolului al V-lead.Hr. Se află la Muzeul din Budapesta.
Interesant, nu??? Istoria tezaurului romanesc este foarte "complicata", incluzind interese diverse...Inca nu este elucidat, cu toate eforturile depuse...Mister...
12 February 2010
11 February 2010
Ancient Greenland gene map has a surprise Reuters
Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
(Editing by Cynthia Osterman)
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor Maggie Fox, Health And Science Editor
Wed Feb 10, 4:44 pm ET
(Reuters) – Scientists have sequenced the DNA from four frozen hairs of
a Greenlander who died 4,000 years ago in a study they say takes
genetic technology into several new realms.
Surprisingly, the long-dead man appears to have originated in Siberia
and is unrelated to modern Greenlanders, Morten Rasmussen of the University of Copenhagen and colleagues found.
"This provides evidence for a migration from Siberia into the New World some 5,500 years ago, independent of that giving rise to the modern Native Americans and Inuit," the researchers wrote in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.
Not only can the findings help transform the study of archeology, but
they can help answer questions about the origins of modern populations
and disease, they said.
"Such studies have the potential to reconstruct not only our genetic
and geographical origins, but also what our ancestors looked like," David Lambert and Leon Huynen of Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, wrote in a commentary.
The DNA gives strong hints about the man, nicknamed Inuk. "Brown eyes,
brown skin, he had shovel-form front teeth," Eske Willerslev, who
oversaw the study, told a telephone briefing. Such teeth are
characteristic of East Asian and Native American populations.
He had the genes for early hair loss, too. "Because we found quite a lot of hair from this guy, we presume he actually died quite young," Willerslev said.
The man lived among the Saqqaq people, the earliest known culture in
southern Greenland that lasted from around 2500 BC until about 800 BC.
Scientists have disagreed on who these people were -- whether they descended from the peoples who crossed the Bering Strait 30,000 to 40,000 years ago to settle the New World or whether they were more recent immigrants.
Willerslev's team pulled DNA from hairs found in a frozen Saqqaq site
and sequenced it just as they would a modern person's full genome,
looking for characteristic mutations.
"Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies have initiated an era of personal genomics," the researchers wrote.
"The sequencing project described here is a direct test of the extent
to which ancient genomics can contribute knowledge about now-extinct
cultures," they added.
The DNA links Inuk to modern-day Arctic residents of Siberia. He had
almost none of the mutations seen in Indians living in Central and South America.
"We have an increasingly powerful forensic tool with which to
'reconstruct' extinct humans and the demographics of populations,"
Lambert and Huynen wrote.
A year ago scientists sequenced the genome of a Neanderthal -- early humans who went extinct 30,000 years ago -- and other groups have sequenced DNA from dried-out mammoth hair.(Editing by Cynthia Osterman)
10 February 2010
Venice carnival
Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
A very close friend of mine, who
lives in Venice, Italy, has just sent me
some nice and funny photos
of 2010's Carnival...
A very close friend of mine, who
lives in Venice, Italy, has just sent me
some nice and funny photos
of 2010's Carnival...
09 February 2010
Chinese New Year Zodiac
Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

In China, the beginning of every year falls between late January and early February, and is marked by an animal sign of the Chinese zodiac that is repeated every twelve years. Each year is given a different animal sign as a way of counting the years. The years are scheduled according to the lunar cycles of the moon as compared to the solar-based calendars of the West. Since 1911, the Chinese have adopted the solar calendar and use it alongside the lunar calendar for holidays. Many Chinese calendars have both solar and lunar dates printed on them.
Zodiac Origins
The animals used in the zodiac, and how they came to represent it, are a wonderful Chinese legend with many variations. The most common version being the legend of the Jade Emperor and how he wanted to hold a race across a river to give twelve animals the right to rule for a year. All animals were given a chance to swim, and the first twelve to reach the opposite bank would win the positions in which they arrived.
Cat and Rat were the worst swimmers of all the animals, so they designed a plan to ask if they could cross the river on the back of Bull. Bull, being a kind and gentle creature, agreed to carry them. As the group reached the center of the rushing river, the ambitious Rat pushed Cat off Bull's back and into the water to ensure his victory. Rat's betrayal is why Cat and Rat have evermore been sworn enemies and why, to this day, cats despise swimming in water.
As Bull reached the riverbank, Rat darted atop Bull's head and sprang to the ground to reach the shore first and became the first zodiac animal. Bull was content to be given the second year. The third animal to successfully cross the river was Tiger, who was known to be the most powerful of all the animals. Exhausted, Tiger explained that the heavy currents of the river, coupled with an entangled log, had pushed Tiger further downstream, delaying the animal's arrival.
After Tiger was proclaimed the third animal of the zodiac, the Jade Emperor heard a thumping sound just as Rabbit bounded into view. As the fourth animal, he explained his attempts at trying to cross the river by jumping from stone to stone. The stones eventually came to an end, leaving Rabbit stranded in the middle of the waters and, fearing he could lose the race, thought quickly and hopped onto a floating log to reach the shore.
The fifth animal to reach the shore was Dragon. Dragon was as strong as Tiger, and even though he could fly, Dragon didn't come in first. When the Jade Emperor asked why, Dragon said that it was because he took time to stop and help the people and creatures of the earth who were suffering famine by causing rain. Then, seeing little Rabbit stranded on a rock, Dragon guided the log that was entangling Tiger away to instead help Rabbit float across the river.
Dragon had just finished this tale when a thunderous splashing was heard and Horse reared towards the shore but the cunning Snake, having wrapped around the ankle of Horse, suddenly dropped onto the bank just ahead of Horse. This sudden appearance spooked the poor Horse backwards, giving Snake the sixth position, followed by Horse in seventh.
Next to arrive were Ram, Monkey and Rooster who skidded to a stop on the shore riding a tangled reed raft. They told the Jade Emperor how they formed an alliance to help each other cross the river beginning with Rooster who had flown around until a suitable raft was spotted and then took Monkey and Ram to where it was. Then Ram and Monkey cleared the weeds and they all glided upon it across the water to the shore. Delighted with their mutual efforts, the Jade Emperor gave Ram the eighth zodiac position, Monkey the ninth and Rooster the tenth.
Dog, known to be the best swimmer, was next to reach the shore and explained that upon seeing his dirt-smudged coat paired with the tempting clean river waters, he decided to stop and bathe, but Dog tarried for too long and almost didn't finish the race. Finally, Pig emerged squealing and sputtering from the waters as the last and twelfth zodiac animal. Pig's reason for a late arrival was being "so ravenous with the exertion of finding a good crossing spot that a meal was needed," so he sniffed out a bountiful feast of grubs, berries and roots, followed by a short nap.
Which Zodiac Animal Are You?
Find your year of birth below and see which zodiac animal it represents. Also, discover the animal character traits and strengths that you share with those born in the same year, beginning between late January and early February.
Read below to discover the commonly believed character traits and jewelry/gemstone preferences of each Chinese zodiac animal.

by Jamie Smedley, Marketing Specialist
Exclusively for Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®
In China, the beginning of every year falls between late January and early February, and is marked by an animal sign of the Chinese zodiac that is repeated every twelve years. Each year is given a different animal sign as a way of counting the years. The years are scheduled according to the lunar cycles of the moon as compared to the solar-based calendars of the West. Since 1911, the Chinese have adopted the solar calendar and use it alongside the lunar calendar for holidays. Many Chinese calendars have both solar and lunar dates printed on them.
Zodiac Origins
The animals used in the zodiac, and how they came to represent it, are a wonderful Chinese legend with many variations. The most common version being the legend of the Jade Emperor and how he wanted to hold a race across a river to give twelve animals the right to rule for a year. All animals were given a chance to swim, and the first twelve to reach the opposite bank would win the positions in which they arrived.
Cat and Rat were the worst swimmers of all the animals, so they designed a plan to ask if they could cross the river on the back of Bull. Bull, being a kind and gentle creature, agreed to carry them. As the group reached the center of the rushing river, the ambitious Rat pushed Cat off Bull's back and into the water to ensure his victory. Rat's betrayal is why Cat and Rat have evermore been sworn enemies and why, to this day, cats despise swimming in water.
As Bull reached the riverbank, Rat darted atop Bull's head and sprang to the ground to reach the shore first and became the first zodiac animal. Bull was content to be given the second year. The third animal to successfully cross the river was Tiger, who was known to be the most powerful of all the animals. Exhausted, Tiger explained that the heavy currents of the river, coupled with an entangled log, had pushed Tiger further downstream, delaying the animal's arrival.
After Tiger was proclaimed the third animal of the zodiac, the Jade Emperor heard a thumping sound just as Rabbit bounded into view. As the fourth animal, he explained his attempts at trying to cross the river by jumping from stone to stone. The stones eventually came to an end, leaving Rabbit stranded in the middle of the waters and, fearing he could lose the race, thought quickly and hopped onto a floating log to reach the shore.
The fifth animal to reach the shore was Dragon. Dragon was as strong as Tiger, and even though he could fly, Dragon didn't come in first. When the Jade Emperor asked why, Dragon said that it was because he took time to stop and help the people and creatures of the earth who were suffering famine by causing rain. Then, seeing little Rabbit stranded on a rock, Dragon guided the log that was entangling Tiger away to instead help Rabbit float across the river.
Dragon had just finished this tale when a thunderous splashing was heard and Horse reared towards the shore but the cunning Snake, having wrapped around the ankle of Horse, suddenly dropped onto the bank just ahead of Horse. This sudden appearance spooked the poor Horse backwards, giving Snake the sixth position, followed by Horse in seventh.
Next to arrive were Ram, Monkey and Rooster who skidded to a stop on the shore riding a tangled reed raft. They told the Jade Emperor how they formed an alliance to help each other cross the river beginning with Rooster who had flown around until a suitable raft was spotted and then took Monkey and Ram to where it was. Then Ram and Monkey cleared the weeds and they all glided upon it across the water to the shore. Delighted with their mutual efforts, the Jade Emperor gave Ram the eighth zodiac position, Monkey the ninth and Rooster the tenth.
Dog, known to be the best swimmer, was next to reach the shore and explained that upon seeing his dirt-smudged coat paired with the tempting clean river waters, he decided to stop and bathe, but Dog tarried for too long and almost didn't finish the race. Finally, Pig emerged squealing and sputtering from the waters as the last and twelfth zodiac animal. Pig's reason for a late arrival was being "so ravenous with the exertion of finding a good crossing spot that a meal was needed," so he sniffed out a bountiful feast of grubs, berries and roots, followed by a short nap.
Which Zodiac Animal Are You?
Find your year of birth below and see which zodiac animal it represents. Also, discover the animal character traits and strengths that you share with those born in the same year, beginning between late January and early February.
Animal | Year | ||||||||||
1900 | 1912 | 1924 | 1936 | 1948 | 1960 | 1972 | 1984 | 1996 | 2008 | 2020 | |
1901 | 1913 | 1925 | 1937 | 1949 | 1961 | 1973 | 1985 | 1997 | 2009 | 2021 | |
1902 | 1914 | 1926 | 1938 | 1950 | 1962 | 1974 | 1986 | 1998 | 2010 | 2022 | |
1903 | 1915 | 1927 | 1939 | 1951 | 1963 | 1975 | 1987 | 1999 | 2011 | 2023 | |
1904 | 1916 | 1928 | 1940 | 1952 | 1964 | 1976 | 1988 | 2000 | 2012 | 2024 | |
1905 | 1917 | 1929 | 1941 | 1953 | 1965 | 1977 | 1989 | 2001 | 2013 | 2025 | |
1906 | 1918 | 1930 | 1942 | 1954 | 1966 | 1978 | 1990 | 2002 | 2014 | 2026 | |
1907 | 1919 | 1931 | 1943 | 1955 | 1967 | 1979 | 1991 | 2003 | 2015 | 2027 | |
1908 | 1920 | 1932 | 1944 | 1956 | 1968 | 1980 | 1992 | 2004 | 2016 | 2028 | |
1909 | 1921 | 1933 | 1945 | 1957 | 1969 | 1981 | 1993 | 2005 | 2017 | 2029 | |
1910 | 1922 | 1934 | 1946 | 1958 | 1970 | 1982 | 1994 | 2006 | 2018 | 2030 | |
1911 | 1923 | 1935 | 1947 | 1959 | 1971 | 1983 | 1995 | 2007 | 2019 | 2031 |
Read below to discover the commonly believed character traits and jewelry/gemstone preferences of each Chinese zodiac animal.
![]() | ![]() | Rat Rats are sentimental and sensitive, intelligent and charming and very ambitious. Their quick optimism and cheerful resourcefulness make it easy to see why they are so successful in business ventures. Rats are thought to love to dig for hidden potential in projects, people and circumstances and they adore putting their cleverly creative ideas into motion. While Rats enjoy finding a good secret or treasure, they are well known for not being able to keep it a secret for long. Rats love gemstone beads that are as energized as they are, which is why they are drawn to jewelry designs that incorporate garnet, emerald, sunstone and lemon quartz gemstone beads. Shop for Rat's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Bull Bulls have a steady, honest, gentle and reliable personality that builds plans and ideas on firm ground. Patient, logical and hardworking, a successful Bull needs peace and quiet to work through ideas and labors best when given space. If pushed, Bulls can become frustrated, unyielding and unmovable. They work well with their hands and thrive on steadiness and situations that require patient strength of character. Bulls tend to love earthy jewelry designs that focus on strength and simplicity with materials such as aquamarine, lapis lazuli, onyx, marble and sardonyx gemstone beads. Shop for Bull's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Tiger Tigers are natural-born leaders who love to travel. They tend to be determined, enthusiastic and optimistic with a strong sense of authority. Preferring to be established, Tigers will leave or ignore a situation if it does not easily conform to their ideals, and they can become unfriendly at best if they feel trapped. They do enjoy discovering the potential found in improbable circumstances and prefer roles where they can help guide others. When it comes to jewelry, Tigers gravitate toward finer materials such as sapphires, rubies, tiger iron, tigereye and all colors of jade. 2010 - Year of the Tiger Bracelet Shop for Tiger's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Rabbit Charitable, welcoming and peaceful by nature, Rabbits thrive on routines and can become anxious if they have to step outside of the lines or make risky decisions. They thrive on details of the minutest kind and thoroughly enjoy creating a home of solace and beautiful tranquility. Cultivated and artistic, Rabbits are brilliant at remembering. Rabbits are attracted to highly detailed jewelry designs that abound with cultured freshwater pearls, sapphires, faceted multicolored tourmaline and rainbow moonstone gemstone beads that flash and dance with lively colors. Shop for Rabbit's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Dragon The charismatic, enthusiastic and self-confident personalities of Dragons help them excel at creating a good first impression. Dragons have good judgment and tend to take a keen interest in the world around them, often stepping in at the right moment to help those in need. Both decisive and dignified, Dragons take a wholehearted approach to life and they see themselves as protectors. Dragons admire jewelry designs with beneficial properties that incorporate gemstones such as amethyst for wisdom, noble rubies, black jet for peace and abundance, turquoise for good communication and chrysoprase to banish greed and carelessness. Shop for Dragon's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Snake Preferring to always have control of their situation, Snakes are charming, captivating and often conservative. They frequently exhibit the alertness and perception of a cobra's mysterious gaze. Companionship, moral support and unconditional love are important to Snakes in all relationships. They are uncommonly patient with the ability to move on their desired target at precisely the right moment. When it comes to jewelry, Snakes are charmed by sleek, sinuous jewelry designs featuring opal, serpentine, amazonite and prehnite gemstone beads. Shop for Snake's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Horse Horses reveal an independent, self-assured and highly motivated character. Intelligent, fashionable and articulate, they set out to achieve recognition for their talent and unique skills. They are devoted to their family, home and work but aren't afraid to cut loose and get a little crazy when the time calls for it. Even in the face of a crisis, Horses will push forward, using their tremendous inner strength to see things through. Horses are delighted by free-styled jewelry designs featuring topaz, Crazy Horse™ stone, morganite and smoky quartz gemstone beads. Shop for Horse's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Ram Known to be elegant and patient individuals, Rams enjoy being moderately active and practice prudence in all aspects of their lives. Despite their appearance of vulnerability and routine worrying, they are able to tolerate intense pressure while remaining stable, often taking on insurmountable tasks and accomplishing them marvelously. Preferring to stay behind the scenes, steadfast Rams are excellent team players. Cultivating an appreciation for the arts and nature, they are some of the most creatively inspired people and are sensitive to romantic jewelry designs that incorporate emerald, sapphire, malachite, crazy lace agate and Mexican green ''opal'' gemstone beads. Shop for Ram's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Monkey Fun-loving, spirited and genuinely happy, Monkeys have a generous and clever way of thinking outside-of-the-box. Their charm and humor, paired with their innate curiosity, make them excellent problem solvers and quick learners. Monkeys' emotions are plainly visible and they have but one weakness – food. Monkey has a discerning palate when it comes to gourmet nibbles. Being cheerful and sanguine, Monkeys prefer contemporary jewelry designs that use peridot, tigereye, aqua terra jasper and Botswana agate gemstone beads. Shop for Monkey's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Rooster Roosters are confident, straightforward, observant and thrifty. Conscious of appearances, Roosters like to get noticed and will save in order to buy something a little extravagant. Roosters enjoy singing and music and can be very creative when they set their mind to it. They also have a powerful desire for perfection, and will take the necessary time to get a job done right. They have strength of persistence and often display strong personal power. Roosters know what they want and tend to select rustic jewelry designs that rely on citrine, topaz, magnesite, fancy jasper and quartz crystal gemstone beads to convey their intelligent personality. Shop for Rooster's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Dog Dogs are sincere, loyal and faithful and will consistently defend justice and honorable duty. Long recognized to be attentive listeners, Dogs always seem to be ready for action. Also known for keeping commitments, Dogs will do anything to avoid betraying a confidence. Exuberant and playful, they offer devoted support to those who mean the most to them. Such qualities make Dogs truly deserving of jewelry designs made of the finer quality gemstone beads such as diamonds, labradorite, larimar and ruby gemstone beads. Shop for Dog's gemstone beads: |
![]() | ![]() | Pig Recognized as being big-hearted, chivalrous and diplomatic, Pig is always admired for a warm and giving personality that seems too good to be true. They strive to find the best in people and give plenty of room for freedom of expression. They are well-known for exhibiting fine manners and well-chosen words that exalt those around them. They enjoy simple and earthy pleasures with a tendency to overindulge. The sweet and gentle nature of Pig admires classical jewelry designs made with ruby, moonstone, apatite, rose quartz and blue lace agate gemstone beads. Shop for Pig's gemstone beads: |
07 February 2010
Thousands of dinosaur footprints uncovered in China
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– China finds bird-linked dinosaur

Sun Feb 7, 12:55 am ET
Archaeologists in China
have uncovered more than 3,000 dinosaur footprints, state media
reported, in an area said to be the world's largest grouping of
fossilised bones belonging to the ancient animals.
The footprints, believed to be more than 100 million years old, were
discovered after a three-month excavation at a gully in Zhucheng in the
eastern province of Shandong, the Xinhua news agency reported.
The prints range from 10 to 80 centimetres (four to 32 inches) in
length, and belonged to at least six different kinds of dinosaurs,
including tyrannosaurs, the report said Saturday.
Wang Haijun, a senior engineer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the prints faced the same direction, Xinhua said.
This indicated a possible migration or a panic escape by plant-eating dinosaurs after an attack by predators, Wang added.
Archeologists have found dinosaur fossils at some 30 sites in Zhucheng, known as "dinosaur city."
The region has seen two major digs since 1964, and experts say the
discovery of so many dinosaurs in such a dense area could provide clues
on how the animals became extinct millions of years ago.
Plans are being made to set up a fossil park in the area.
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