Showing posts with label town. Show all posts
Showing posts with label town. Show all posts

03 August 2016


Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
For the second time, this year, the magnolia tree is in blossoming! And, it's the end of July!!!

13 April 2016


Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
This Spring is really amazing!
Could you reply with other beauties?

I am in my town, Cugir, Alba County, Romania, in front f the Cugir Community Council. In front of me, a gorgeous small magnolia pink tree!!!

14 December 2015

Preparing for winter holidays...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

For a couple of years, in the town there are Christmas lights! So beautiful!
We couldn't make lights during Ceausescu's time, because it was forbiden, by the law! We had to save electricity , and many other things... But now, we enjoy Christmas time in the open! 
Caroling and enjoying the  winter holidays with the community!

24 September 2015

Fall Fest in Cugir, Alba Cunty, Romania!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Fall Fest in my town, between 19 and 20 September, 2015.
People from my town have fun and many folk dancers and bands played music...My own handmade jewelry have been shown there...

Black and white traditional clothes in the area...

My handmade jewelry show...

18 June 2015

Trees in blossoming...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Olive trees spread out a nice smell all over...
Vanilla tree in the neighborhood...

08 May 2015

Spring time, in my town

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Different places in Cugir downtown...

28 March 2015

Magnolia trees in my town

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Every day walking...

10 March 2015

Cugir, winter 2015

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 My small quiet town, in the beginning of the year...
 The river was almost all frozen...A rarely event...

08 January 2015

Very cold in this winter...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

No comment....
Only snow...

Mayor House in winter

07 January 2015

Daily walking

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Christmas in my town

New Year's Eve, in the garden


Sun rise in a winter day

My town view...and I

25 December 2014

Merry Christmas! A happy New YEAR!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Wish all my friends, MERRY CHRISTMAS and A Happy NEW YEAR!!!

06 December 2014

Aprinderea luminilor pe bradul de CraciunIn fata Catedralei s-a ridicat din nou un brad falnic... in orasul Cugir

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

In fata Catedralei din Cugir, s-a ridicat din nou un brad falnic...Astazi seara, 6 decembrie, s-au aprins luminile!Foarte multi cugireni s-au adunat sa vada minunea si sa asculte colinzi pe o scena aflata in apropierea Catedralei...

28 April 2014

Strolling in the town...

Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!

 In a nice spring day, my husband and I, were walking...
Here is one of the two olive tree in our town...
About 20 years ago, there was a whole street of them, on one and another side of the road...
On the second photo, there is a half street alley. It's a pleasure watching the flowers and the trees...

23 March 2014

On my way...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 Walking in the town is a delight! trees are in blossom, everything is nicer...Even the clouds are warning us, we're out...


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