Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
Din vremuri străvechi există ceea ce se cheamă Ştiinţa Iniţiatică, la care şi noi am făcut de atâtea ori referire în revistă. Această Ştiinţă cuprinde multe capitole, printre care şi cel ce explică natura şi gradul Iniţierilor spirituale prin care trec cei ce aspiră la nivelul de Maestru spiritual. Trebuie spus că, deşi sîntem peste 6 miliarde de fiinţe umane la ora actuală, aproximativ 85%-90% din populaţie încă este tributară foarte mult reacţiilor emoţionale necontrolate, ceea ce determină ca majoritatea oamenilor să fie sub un anumit prag, şi veţi vedea care.
Criteriul evoluţiei spirituale se bazează strict pe controlul propriilor energii, care se manifestă sub forma emoţiilor, mentalităţilor şi ideilor. Cum spuneam oamenii sînt sclavii emoţiilor. Câtă lume nu merge la biserică de frica păcatelor, cum îi sperie preoţimea cu acel bau-bau religios, ori câţi oameni se agaţă zilnic de lucrurile lor, pretinzând că sînt doar ale lor, când în realitate toate vin şi pleacă apoi de la şi către Dumnezeu? Şi exemplele pot continua. Trebuie să înţelegeţi că sîntem fiinţe umane, create de Creator pentru a fi LIBERE din toate punctele de vedere, nu fiinţe care să se sperie de bazaconiile îndrugate de preoţime sau egoiste, în sensul de a avea multe în dauna altuia. Din acest punct de vedere, există pentru nivelul terestru 4 grade de Iniţiere, pe care puţini le ating.
Primul nivel este cel al Iniţiatului de gradul 1 – o astfel de persoană începe să-şi dea seama de importanţa corpului său şi treptat, iese de sub influenţa instinctelor animalice, preţuind ceea ce este acest corp fizic şi sănătatea sa.
Următorul grad este cel al Iniţiatului de gradul 2 – acesta intră pentru prima dată în inima sa, începând să-şi controleze propriile emoţii. Cum se spune, intră în „Peştera lui Christ”, adică entitatea Crist se trezeşte în el. Dar un asemenea nivel încă este tributar emoţiilor şi va trebui să parcurgă un număr de 7-10 vieţi, în funcţie de voinţa sa, până scapă de reacţiile emoţionale necontrolate. Vedeţi ce înseamnă emoţia şi cât îi trebuie omului pentru a autocontrola?
Următorul nivel este al Iniţiatului de gradul 3 – pe acest nivel ajung cei care, după ce au învăţat să-şi controleze emoţiile (a nu se crede că acestea trebuie înnăbuşite, ci înţelese în manifestarea lor), pot să înceapă lucrul cu modelarea propriului ego care îndeamnă mereu omul la a fi egoist în multe privinţe. Mai simplu spus, este lucrarea de educare şi modelare a mentalului – intelectul, care are funcţie de adunare de informaţie pentru cunoaştere. În această etapă Iniţiatul de gradul 3 începe să înţeleagă mai clar că ceea ce stă la baza suferinţelor oamenilor este egoismul provenit din reacţiile emoţionale necontrolate, şi se străduieşte să îşi modeleze personalitatea pentru a-şi ajuta semenii. Este necesar să ştiţi că de abia de la acest nivel un Discipol – Iniţiat se poate considera Maestru, nivelul 3 fiind în realitate primul grad de Maestru.
Iniţiatul de gradul 4 care este şi Maestru – la acest nivel aspirantul trebuie să conştientizeze că toate lucrurile lumeşti au un început şi un sfârşit, spre deosebire de lucrurile spirituale care sînt eterne. Atunci când ajunge la acest nivel de evoluţie spirituală, după multe vieţi trăite pe Pământ, aspirantul înţelege că Detaşarea, Renunţarea faţă de lucrurile lumeşti îi poate asigura chiar cele de care are nevoie în viaţa sa. Însă chiar şi la acest grad există riscul major de a cade înapoi către nivelele anterioare, dacă spiritul nu are suficientă voinţă de a urma Lumina Creatorului, şi asta din cauza energiilor care sînt vehiculate prin intermediul banilor, a laudelor şi a cuvintelor care zgândăresc orgoliul Maestrului de gradul 4.
07 January 2010
In the next 20 years...
Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
Scientists may think that's a good idea when applied to moon-hoax conspiracy theorists, intelligent-design backers or black-hole doomsayers - but such an algorithm also could help authorities stack the deck when it comes to Net-moderated discussions of political or social issues in places like present-day Iran or China.
Medical promise and peril
Personalized medicine has even more good-news, bad-news potential in the decade ahead. So far, researchers haven't made as much headway as they had hoped when it comes to connecting the human genetic code with human diseases and capabilities. Why is that? For one thing, relatively few humans have had their full genome sequenced, which has given geneticists a meager data set to work with.
That situation is rapidly changing, thanks to the falling cost of gene sequencing and the rising market for DNA services. "Over the next decade millions of people could have their genomes sequenced," says David Goldstein, director of the Center for Human Genome Variation at Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy.
As we learn more about the genome, we're likely to find that disease risks are determined by the interaction of many genetic factors. During the next decade, Goldstein says geneticists could well discover lots of low-frequency, high-impact risk factors for diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy and autism.
"The identification of major risk factors for disease is bound to substantially increase interest in embryonic and other screening programs," he writes. "Society has largely already accepted this principle for mutations that lead inevitably to serious health conditions. Will it be so accommodating of those who want to screen out embryos that carry, say, a twentyfold increased risk of a serious but unspecified neuropsychiatric disease?"
Goldstein says the time to debate the ethics and the practicalities of personalized genetic screening is now.
Gut check ... literally!
Another big theme in the future of medicine is the analysis of the human microbiome - that is, the microbial communities that live inside your gut and other organs. Some of the more stubborn and hard-to-diagnose diseases that afflict us - such as obesity, diabetes and autoimmune disorders - may have as much to do with our microbes as with our own genome.
David Relman, chief of infectious diseases at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System in California, says that the microbiome is really our "extended self," but adds that we are "relatively ignorant" about how it works. That is likely to change over the next 10 years.
"By 2020, personalized health care could involve doctors monitoring the metabolic activities of a patient's gut microbes and, possibly, modulating them therapeutically," says Jeremy Nicholson, head of Imperial College London's department of surgery and cancer.
Future climate
Several experts said climate change could force dramatic shifts in the world's energy economy. Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute, says a "new world environmental organization" should be established to provide the technical know-how for heading off the worst climate effects and adapting to the effects that can't be avoided. He also predicts that societies will have to come up with new approaches to public-private investment in environmental technologies and international development.
"Global financing for poorer countries must improve if international agreements on climate, land use and biodiversity are to succeed," Sachs writes. "The record of aid delivery to poor countries is dismal. Rich countries regularly promise support that never arrives. Two proposals have been made that could improve things: a small tax on cross-border financial transactions, and a global levy on carbon emissions."
Sachs says both proposals should be implemented, along with the more traditional forms of international aid.
David Kammen, director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley, agrees that it is "essential to put a price on carbon emissions, through either well-managed cap-and-trade schemes or carbon taxes." Can we afford to make the energy transition? Can we afford not to? Kammen supports experiments in creative financing, such as his own lab's Property-Assessed Clean Energy mechanism, to make it easier for homes and businesses to buy into a new energy economy.
If societies throw their support to more efficient, renewable energy technologies, by 2020 "the world would be on the way to an energy system in which solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal and hydroelectric power will supply more than 80 percent of electricity," Kammen writes.
All this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this week's visions for 2020. For the full set of essays, including the outlook for laser fusion and drug discovery, check out Nature's special report. The journal is providing an online forum to discuss the outlook for the next decade, but you can also throw in your comments right here. Don't miss our earlier discussion about "decades of future science." And to find out how fallible forecasters can be, take a look back at my three-year-old technology forecast for 2012.
Scientists may think that's a good idea when applied to moon-hoax conspiracy theorists, intelligent-design backers or black-hole doomsayers - but such an algorithm also could help authorities stack the deck when it comes to Net-moderated discussions of political or social issues in places like present-day Iran or China.
Medical promise and peril
Personalized medicine has even more good-news, bad-news potential in the decade ahead. So far, researchers haven't made as much headway as they had hoped when it comes to connecting the human genetic code with human diseases and capabilities. Why is that? For one thing, relatively few humans have had their full genome sequenced, which has given geneticists a meager data set to work with.
That situation is rapidly changing, thanks to the falling cost of gene sequencing and the rising market for DNA services. "Over the next decade millions of people could have their genomes sequenced," says David Goldstein, director of the Center for Human Genome Variation at Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy.
As we learn more about the genome, we're likely to find that disease risks are determined by the interaction of many genetic factors. During the next decade, Goldstein says geneticists could well discover lots of low-frequency, high-impact risk factors for diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy and autism.
"The identification of major risk factors for disease is bound to substantially increase interest in embryonic and other screening programs," he writes. "Society has largely already accepted this principle for mutations that lead inevitably to serious health conditions. Will it be so accommodating of those who want to screen out embryos that carry, say, a twentyfold increased risk of a serious but unspecified neuropsychiatric disease?"
Goldstein says the time to debate the ethics and the practicalities of personalized genetic screening is now.
Gut check ... literally!
Another big theme in the future of medicine is the analysis of the human microbiome - that is, the microbial communities that live inside your gut and other organs. Some of the more stubborn and hard-to-diagnose diseases that afflict us - such as obesity, diabetes and autoimmune disorders - may have as much to do with our microbes as with our own genome.
David Relman, chief of infectious diseases at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System in California, says that the microbiome is really our "extended self," but adds that we are "relatively ignorant" about how it works. That is likely to change over the next 10 years.
"By 2020, personalized health care could involve doctors monitoring the metabolic activities of a patient's gut microbes and, possibly, modulating them therapeutically," says Jeremy Nicholson, head of Imperial College London's department of surgery and cancer.
Future climate
Several experts said climate change could force dramatic shifts in the world's energy economy. Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute, says a "new world environmental organization" should be established to provide the technical know-how for heading off the worst climate effects and adapting to the effects that can't be avoided. He also predicts that societies will have to come up with new approaches to public-private investment in environmental technologies and international development.
"Global financing for poorer countries must improve if international agreements on climate, land use and biodiversity are to succeed," Sachs writes. "The record of aid delivery to poor countries is dismal. Rich countries regularly promise support that never arrives. Two proposals have been made that could improve things: a small tax on cross-border financial transactions, and a global levy on carbon emissions."
Sachs says both proposals should be implemented, along with the more traditional forms of international aid.
David Kammen, director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley, agrees that it is "essential to put a price on carbon emissions, through either well-managed cap-and-trade schemes or carbon taxes." Can we afford to make the energy transition? Can we afford not to? Kammen supports experiments in creative financing, such as his own lab's Property-Assessed Clean Energy mechanism, to make it easier for homes and businesses to buy into a new energy economy.
If societies throw their support to more efficient, renewable energy technologies, by 2020 "the world would be on the way to an energy system in which solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal and hydroelectric power will supply more than 80 percent of electricity," Kammen writes.
All this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this week's visions for 2020. For the full set of essays, including the outlook for laser fusion and drug discovery, check out Nature's special report. The journal is providing an online forum to discuss the outlook for the next decade, but you can also throw in your comments right here. Don't miss our earlier discussion about "decades of future science." And to find out how fallible forecasters can be, take a look back at my three-year-old technology forecast for 2012.
05 January 2010
03 January 2010
A happy New Year! /Un An Nou Fericit!
Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
Un nou An,2010, o noua decada,
noi sperante...Totul pare nou si plin de viata, acum,
la inceput de an! Sa speram ca acest
an sa ramina cu o perpetua speranta de
mai bine, desi, suntem constienti ca va
fi un an greu, de sacrificii, cu munca
multa si incrincenare, dar, trebuie sa fie
un an mult mai bun decit cel care tocmai
ne-a parasit!
Sa ne bucuram de o reinoire!!!
Un nou An,2010, o noua decada,
noi sperante...Totul pare nou si plin de viata, acum,
la inceput de an! Sa speram ca acest
an sa ramina cu o perpetua speranta de
mai bine, desi, suntem constienti ca va
fi un an greu, de sacrificii, cu munca
multa si incrincenare, dar, trebuie sa fie
un an mult mai bun decit cel care tocmai
ne-a parasit!
Sa ne bucuram de o reinoire!!!
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