18 May 2014

Spoiled cats

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

 My cats are really funny!
One of them, MIU, liked staying  between the windows for its afternoon sleeping..
On the bed, is TANIA, who likes listening my son's  guitar playing... It likes music... 
Sometimes, I enjoy playing with my cats...

What about you? Have you any pets?

28 April 2014

Strolling in the town...

Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!

 In a nice spring day, my husband and I, were walking...
Here is one of the two olive tree in our town...
About 20 years ago, there was a whole street of them, on one and another side of the road...
On the second photo, there is a half street alley. It's a pleasure watching the flowers and the trees...

14 April 2014

Spring time around...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!
                                                             My nut-tree goes crazy...

 I've got a beautiful flower...

               My guardian, Lady!


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