19 February 2013

Olive tree on the river side

Cugir river is going aside by my native town, with the same name. Because, sometimes the river is really "angry" in springs, there re some protective walls.
Here, the olive tree is going down...I enjoy walking along the river in summer time...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

13 February 2013

Winter time...

Snow, snow 

                             It is still winter, even we think to spring...

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

01 February 2013

Orb-pure energy

It had happened in Cugir, in 2012...
One summer day, in the morning, I had taken my camera, and started to have my usual daily walk.
When I had to go through a passing by way, was my first shot. I had no idea about what I will discover at home, when I posted  the photos. A huge orb, pure natural energy , was just hanging in the air. At the end of the passing way, it is a river, and a small bridge is just a few meters lower. The orb was staying above the river, about 6 meters higher. I couldn't see it. Only on my computer, when I analised the photos, I discovered the wonder.
Hope it is interesting subject!
Welcome to my world. Enjoy!


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