05 January 2010

Eden-native places

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Gorgeous places to live and
relax, when old times come
around us...

03 January 2010

A happy New Year! /Un An Nou Fericit!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

Un nou An,2010, o noua decada,                                                                  
noi sperante...Totul pare nou si plin de viata, acum,
la inceput de an! Sa speram ca acest
an sa ramina cu o perpetua speranta de
mai bine, desi, suntem constienti ca va
fi un an greu, de sacrificii, cu munca
multa si incrincenare, dar, trebuie sa fie
un an mult mai bun decit cel care tocmai
ne-a parasit!
Sa ne bucuram de o reinoire!!!

30 December 2009

Flowers and photography

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

A HAPPY NEW YEAR!                                                          
Let 2010 come surrounded by
nature beauties, that fulfill our
souls with peace and harmony...


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