09 June 2013

Easter, in my native town, Cugir, Romania

Welcome to my world. Enjoy!

60 years old people , in my town have a very old tradition: to prepare Easter wine and bread for the community.

This year I am  60, and as the tradition says, I have taken part to the Othodox Religious celebration!

Almost all the people have beautiful traditional costume, taken from the grandparents or grand-grand-parents, well preserved in wooden chests...

Men costumes have white cotton shirts, sewed in black, and white trousers. Around the body, they wore a
  leader belt, where they have taken their money, like a wallet...
Women wear white large blouses, sewed by black string, a black soft vest, a black scarf on the head ans a large white skirt. On the skirt, there are , in front and on the back, two "fote", black pieces of material,  something like aprons...In the hand, they wore a "traista", a white and black woolen bags...

Like our forefathers, men wear costumes, for the religious celebration...

A Religious flag wearer...

60-ties friends and classmates, all together...

Friends for a life...

Like in the past...

Man and woman...

Beautiful women in their costumes...

The tradition is going on for the future!

Marching to the Church, through the town...

Men costume and an old friend...

Even I am a "Pasteanca", I cannot stop myself making photos...


Unknown said...

Oare cine facea fotografiile?
O sa ma uit in pozele mele, poate ma dumiresc! Excelent foto-reportaj!
Va rog, scoateti verificarea asta a comentariilor!

Marga Kiro said...

Sunt fotografii facute de Valy dar si de "Caiet" (1).Acesta este blogul meu, Marga. Am pus fotografii facute de mine, in restul blogului.Aldenn este numele eu de creatoare de bijuterii si fotografii. Sunt postari si pe Flicr,tot cu Aldenn...
Scuze pentru comfuzii...


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